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in Joomla Templates by alvin_de_quincey (120 points)
Hi, just getting into TemplateToaster and enjoying so far but... any image I add to the header is markedly soft when compared to the same image used in another website.

I'm using a png file and have tried different sizing and quality settings.

I would have thought exporting a sharp png file out of PS at the exact pixel size/dimensions as the size required in the header would be the best way to go, so there was no resizing inside T/T, but that doesn't seem to alter the soft/blurry edge at all on any of the pics I'm putting into the header.

Am I missing something here?

Some feedback/help would be appreciated.


1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please elaborate, are you using a background image or foreground image in Header so that we can guide you accordingly. If possible please open a support ticket and provide any screenshot of the issue or ttr file so that we can check and guide you accordingly.
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