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in Joomla Templates by mgsoft (780 points)
is there a solution for styling the readon-text/link as button with TT? i found not a function under "elements".
i have attached two printscreen:
readon_tt.jpg - this will Show the readon with TT
readon_xy.jpg - this will Show the readon with anoter Templategenerator (as Button)



12 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Sorry for the inconvenience, but this feature of styling read more in joomla is not available in TemplateToaster. We are working on this and try to provide it in the next major release of Templatetoaster.

Meanwhile you can add the following custom css at TemplateToaster -> File -> Prefrences -> Custom css ->
p.readmore > a {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
border: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 0%);
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px;
by mgsoft (780 points)
Thank you for this momentary solution. I would appreciate it very much if this is still installed in TT.
by mgsoft (780 points)
when the function will be realised - then is possible, that you can realised this, that the button can align left/Center/right..
by sarah (15.2k points)
Alas, we can't enclose the timeframe of all our upcoming plans regarding the future release of TemplateToaster. We are working on the development of TemplateToaster and make it available as soon as possible.
by mgsoft (780 points)
yes - i understand. thank you...
by raima55 (140 points)
I have a similar problem which I have brought up before. It is maddening that if you give a sidebar module styling you cannot have any other thing in that sidebar without it taking on that styling. So if I want to use an extension position left in the sidebar it takes on the style of the sidebar module.

This is a big problem for me at the moment as I need to use a news ticker in the left sidebar but I cannot set it properly because I have to have it within the styling for the sidebar module??
by mgsoft (780 points)
i found nothing in for this problem. is there no solution at this time?
by sarah (15.2k points)
ReadMore styling on button has been provided in the latest build( you can download it from here templatetoaster.com/downloads/internal_versions/TemplateToaster.exe
by mgsoft (780 points)
many thank's. great work!
by mgsoft (780 points)
where i found this function in tt?
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