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in New Features Discussion by hlarledge (440 points)
I'd like a way to assign and change the font (the name more than size and color) for all controls, instead of having to visit each individually. Thanks!

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Thanks for the request, this feature is already in pipeline.
has this feature been implemented yet?

i could not find a way to do it- and just spent a lot of time changing fonts for each individual item

also when testing a wordpress template on a live site
i see that some additional font css was not changed- or maybe i missed some setting in TT- i am not sure

.postcontent in the css

but when I look inside TT
and go to Typography-
content menu
post section
and choose the setting for content
it shows what i selected
but the exported css of .postcontent is different

did i miss something in the creation in the template

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

You can edit global typography from General -> Typography.

We are unable to produce the issue . #ttr_content .postcontent p has the same style as applied from Content -> Post -> Typography -> Content. Please Open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support/ with exported template and ttr file.

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