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in Joomla Templates by sandrokirchner (160 points)

I am new to TemplateToaster and very eager to try it out. I was wondering if there is any option were I can control hover effects on menu buttons and other links in general. I have checked the interface only quickly and not found any options for hover effects. Is this something that will be implemented in the future?

8 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Sorry for the inconvenience but the feature of hover effects on menu buttons is not supported in TemplateToaster. But we can consider this feature for future version.
by sandrokirchner (160 points)
But I could add hover effects in the css file afterwards when the template is exported? Is that hard to do?
by sarah (15.2k points)
Yes you can use the hover effects on menu buttons, but for that you have to edit the css file after exporting the template.
Please provide the link having hover effects, we will provide you the custom css.
by s-lejeunes (260 points)

I have a problem with the button hover.
In the template toaster when i set a definate button for example blue box with the text in white. If i change this model for another one for example white box with blue text I have a bug.

The normal button is in blue with white box but the hover button has the text in white in a white box (we can''t see the text..). So the text stay in the old parameter regarding fonts, size of fonts, color and effects ....

The big problem for me is that in my web site I use module which have their own design button (that we can parameter). so the normal button has the design of the module but the hover button have the design off template toaster hover button and it's very hard to parameter.

There is a way to set the hover button as the same as normal button ? or to desactive button to let the module have their own design for button normal and hover ?
by sarah (15.2k points)
TemplateToaster provides the option to style the menu button as normal, hover and active at TemplateToaster -> Menu -> Menu button section. Here you can set the Background, Border and Typography for all the three states.

Also try to set the text color for menu button on hover at TemplateToaster -> Menu -> Menu button -> Typography -> Hover -> Color.
by s-lejeunes (260 points)
Hi Sarah, I was not talking about the Menu buttons but the button in elements ! where is badge, alert etc..
by sarah (15.2k points)
Sorry for the misconception. Please set the background and typography of button on hover. Go to TemplateToaster -> Elements -> Button -> Background -> onhover and Typography -> hover.
by yanmercal (140 points)
More CSS Hover Effects samples

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