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in General Discussion by sh0ck (300 points)
I've been experimenting with a template, but I couldn't pull it off.
Can I make a template like this with TemplateToaster? It's a html site, but I want it to be a drupal theme.

Notice the links in the footer and header, and the three menu's.
Main menu is the grey bar with 'home', 'about' etc.
Secondary menu is below, with 'SecMenu, Item 2 Item 3' etc.
Tertiary menu shouldn't be always visible. It's the vertical menu on the left, titled 'about' with 'about us and business presentation'.

So, is this possible?
If it can come very close and I have to do some small tweaking by hand that would be fine too.

5 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Yes you can make the template as like given in reference in TemplateToaster to be used in Drupal theme.

1) Main menu is the grey bar with 'home', 'about' etc.

For this you can assign the menu inside the header and select it background color as no color. And through menu
TemplateToaster -> Menu -> Menu Position -> Inside Header. And in Menu button Properties -> Alignment -> Right.
Menu -> Background -> Color -> Nocolor.

2) Secondary menu is below, with 'SecMenu, Item 2 Item 3' etc.

You can draw the region inside header below menu.
TemplateToaster -> Regions -> Draw.

3)Tertiary menu shouldn't be always visible. It's the vertical menu on the left, titled 'about' with 'about us and business presentation'.

Using blocks in drupal you can assign the vertical menu to position left.
by sh0ck (300 points)
Dear Sarah,
Thanks for responding that fast!

Regarding the secondary and tertiary menu's; When I create a custom/extra menu in Drupal, I cannot really customize it. Shouldn't those things be set in the template?

Thanks again!
by sarah (15.2k points)
Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are working on this feature and try to give it in our next major release.
by sh0ck (300 points)
Could you give me a non binding indication of when this can be expected?
Then I know if it's worth looking into alternatives or that I should wait.

Thanks in advance!

by sarah (15.2k points)

Regrettably, we can't enclose the timeframe of all our upcoming plans regarding the future release of TemplateToaster. We are working on the development of TemplateToaster and make it available as soon as possible.
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