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in HTML Website by bob91 (370 points)
My website has a few separate categories, each with its own introductory page on the main menu. Each of those except for the contact form have one or more child pages.  I want to create a second menu bar below the main one showing the child pages of the main menu page selected or of the one whose child page is selected.

Is there a way I can do this in Template Toaster?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please provide any sample reference so that we can check your requirement and able to guide you accordingly.

by bob91 (370 points)
edited by bob91
I really didn't want to post this here because my site expresses strong opinions on religion and politics which definitely_will_offend, annoy, and-or even infuriate those who disagree, and forums such as this aren't the place for such.

But to show the site I've rebuilt with TT, it's at http://www.bobpeters61.com/ and menu behavior similar to what I want is at http://www.bobpeters61.com/old/ .

What with the big menu buttons created by this program, i would rather have a second menu bar for the submenus, rather than just a the bottom line like the dead software generated on the old.

I do like the aesthetic qualities I've been able to achieve with your software, but the menu behavior seems a price to pay for it as a trade-off.

Again, I'm only discussing the menu behavior here and refuse to comment on the site content on this forum, which is a reason I didn't want to post a link here.
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