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in General Discussion by imacsenglish (840 points)
Hi guys, I wanted to share my current project with you and ask for some advice...

OK, first of all, this is the site I'm making for my aunt and uncle's business. It's still very basic but so far I like the design. What do you think? Compliments and criticism are both welcome.


So my idea is this - I would like to set this website up with a feature which allows my uncle's clients to create a username and password in order to log into the site and pay their bill online. However, I have absolutely no idea how or where to start with something like this. Do any of you have experience with features like this? If so, please let me know so I can start heading in the right direction. Thank you very much and hopefully I will be hearing from you guys soon. Thanks again.


1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
You can simply sell the services as products using an ecommerce plugin like WooCommerce.
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