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in Joomla Templates by bp-web (400 points)

Sorry for double posting. When i post a question here, I always get the following errormessage: 

A Question2Answer database query failed when generating this page.

A full description of the failure is available in the web server's error log file.


In version i found two issues with menu logo's.

1. When i insert a logo (png) in the menu bar that is higher then the heigth the menubar it is only responsive on desktop. When changing to tablet or mobile, the logo gets stretched.

The solution is to resize the logo before inserting it.

2. When i insert a logo and in add/edit link i check the No Link radiobutton, the logo is displayed in the TT GUI but not in Joomla.

Furthermore i have a question that is also about this logo. In TT links are pointing to TT by default. Where can i change this default links.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
1. TemplateToaster provides separate options to set height/width of the logo for all the responsive views i.w Desktop./tablet and mobile, you can separately set the logo dimensions.

2. To enable the logo on Joomla please follow the steps provided below:

Go to Joomla Dashboard -> Extensions -> Templates -> Click your template name -> Template options will open -> header options -> Enable logo.

3.  All link options have the default value as TemplateToaster site, you can modify them as per your requirement. For this please follow the steps provided below:

Go to TemplateToaster -> Header -> Select logo -> Add/edit link -> Select External URL -> Modify link in text box -> Save.
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