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in Joomla Templates by bp-web (400 points)
By default in the Joomla template created by TT there are three footer areas. LeftFooterArea, CenterFooterArea and RightFooterArea. These areas I do not see in the GUI under Module Position.

I would like to change the division of these modulepositions in such a way that only for a tablet the division is 3-3-6. For other devices the division (4-4-4) is okay.

How can i accomplish this?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides an option to set module position cells width as per your requirement. To achieve this please follow the steps provided below:

Go to TemplateToaster -> Click Module position Tab -> Footer above/below module position will be displayed now.

Select FAModuleposition00 or other position cells acc. to your requirement  -> Position cell ->Width -> Set width .

Similarly, follow the same steps for Tablet and mobile view.

by bp-web (400 points)
Sorry, this is not what i mean.

The Footer Above Module and other Module positions i can divide as i like. No problem at all.

However what i mean are the three positions that are kind of integrated in the footer and are modulepositions : LeftFooterArea, CenterFooterArea and RightFooterArea. These are not shown in module positions in the GUI but can be used and selected in Joomla in the TT-template. I would like to change the width of these areas in a way that the right column is wider on mobile screens.
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