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in Joomla Templates by benny (600 points)
I have the next challenge. I am working on a webshop (Hikashop / Joomla) where I place the shopping cart and the article / category menu in the left sidebar. This looks perfect on all screens with mobile phones. The before mentioned modules now appear above the content. Expected behaviour. I do not consider the modules fixed in the right sidebar to be an option.

I would like to change the module position on a mobile phone from the left sidebar to the right sidebar. but then in a way that the module really moves and the left sidebar disappears because there are no modules in it.

Any help would be appreciated.

2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

To move the left sidebar module to right sidebar for the mobile view only you need to set module with some custom CSS. Please open a support ticket at https://templatetoaster.com/support. Our support team will guide you for the same.

by iceferret (3.3k points)
Use Regular Labs free version of Advanced Module Manager. Create a copy of the module/s but assign it to right sidebar and mobile screen only. The original module/s you can set to left sidebar showing on PC and tablet only.
by benny (600 points)
Many Thanks. I was not aware of this Advanced Module Manager. Great tool.
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