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in Issues/Bugs by maspc (160 points)

I have purchased TT a few months ago. I have activated it on my pc, but my pc has crashed and I had to reïnstall it.
Because of the crash I could not de-activate TT.
Now I have reïnstalled my pc and TT also, when I try to activete TT says: \"You have already activated!!\"

How can I activate TT, so I can use it again?

The email adres I have used to buy it is: \"info(at)maspc(dot)nl\"

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Your activation should work now.
by maspc (160 points)
Hi there,

Thanks for your reaction, but I still get the same message... :-(
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Please open a support ticket with your activation key: http://templatetoaster.com/support
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