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in General Discussion by blazingimages (260 points)

Why is there so much absolute positioning on the header? Is it possible to add a content row above the menu in the TT GUI? The absolute positioning doesn't ever seem to reproduce correctly anyway.

I would like to get my header to that it utilizes the power of bootstrap for fluid layouts.

I would like desktop to be columns like:

[logo]  [title]  [address/phone]  [social media]

Then Tablet would be:

[logo]        [title] 
[address/phone]  [social media]

and Phone:

[logo] (or perhaps hidden)
[social media]

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Yes,  you can surely add a row above menu within TemplateToaster.TemplateToaster provides an option to draw widget areas cell as much as per your requirement. You can add custom widgets/modules to that position after installing your template to CMS from the respective CMS dashboard.

To add a custom widget area above menu please follow the steps provided below:

Go to TemplateToaster -> WidgetArea/Module position/Block reference tab (varied according to CMS) -> There will be columns cells created above/below Header/menu/Slider/Footer, you can modify them as per your requirement. Basically, there will be 4 cells above the menu, you can delete/add cells as per your requirement.

Also, TemplateToaster  provides option to set fluid layout, to set fluid layout please follow the steps provided below:
Go to TemplateToaster] -> Container -> Layout -> fluid.

Now, you can set header elements i.e logo, title, address (create textarea to add address and contact details),  apply social media icons (provided by TemplateToaster).
TemplateToaster also provides an option to set elements position separately for a tablet as well as the mobile view.
 For more detailed information, please open a support ticket at https://templatetoaster.com/support, our support team will guide you accordingly.
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