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in HTML Website by aaron-s-travis (200 points)
I have just seen a lot of peoples posts unanswered lately and am wondering. This program would be super great if we got some feedback and updates depending on the suggestions and bug reports in the forum. The program is so easy to use and nice for building a site but the program could use some more features. Plz editable .html... Also a search box maybe optional to place in menu or side menu would make our jobs a lot easier and you all more money $$$ :]

2 Answers

by cscalenetworks (200 points)
I've been trying to get someone to answer me for a very long time on my issue.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Thank you for supporting and appreciating TemplateToaster. We are trying our best to make our customers satisfied and happy. You can post your feature requests on our user voice page: https://templatetoaster.uservoice.com/ or please feel free to contact us on our support page: https://templatetoaster.com/support for any query/issue related to TemplateToaster.

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