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in General Discussion by ginakra (120 points)
Hello, I need an irregular edge under a header and included menu that requires it's own div. For the life of me I can't figure out how to create my own div with an id in this program. So far it's been great, but I can't get to any code or add divs to make a theme "from scratch" which is what I am trying to do. The program seems to want to give you a template to edit anyway in this mode. I kind of don't get it. Why can't I add divs to from scratch themes? Or if I can, how to do it? Thank you.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
TemplateToaster provide options to enable/disable and embed various elements like title, slogan, logo, social media icons,you just need to select the element you want to insert, while designing in TemplateToaster you need to create HTML manually for your menu or header, it will itself create HTML tags as required according to applied elements.
by ginakra (120 points)
edited by ginakra
Well, I still don't understand. I want to create a div and I don't see any way to do that. Could you give me a step by step?

ETA...It's been 4 days since your answer, so I assume this can't be done? Why doesn't the program allow me to edit the source template? Is it because I am on the trial version? Does the purchase open the source so I can add my own div?
by revivemypc (160 points)
edited by revivemypc
You simply type the code / html where you want it to appear. so for example, if I wanted to add a div to one of my menu buttons I would add the div around it... so it would be <div id="anyname">actual menu button text</div> or you could even just add the styling within the div, like <div style=".....">actual menu button text</div>

I hope that helps :)
by ginakra (120 points)
This doesn't work for me either, I can't find a way to do what you are saying it does. I can't just type anything anywhere in the screen. In order for this software to become worth $150 to me, I have to be able to actually build the layout, add divs, edit tables, whatever. Like I could in any other actual editor. If it could even import a template I made in another editor it would be ok. But to be locked into basically the same template over and over and just being able to move elements around is a no go for me. All the templates offered look the same. Maybe it's just not geared for what I want to do. The program hides the code and that's just not my thing.
by revivemypc (160 points)
edited by revivemypc
I can't tell you what the demo version is like as I have the pro version. All I can say is that the above works for me :)
Silly question, but have you tried to place your own html on the template? I know it doesn't look like you're actually able to do it or that it will work but it does. Try it on a blank template and add a graphic or something, then try wrapping a div around it and adding styles. It might look messy on the actual editor screen but when you preview it, it should come out how you want it.

I must admit though, it does need to have an editable html feature built into this - would make it much easier. Artisteer used to be able to do that but it's outdated and not very good.
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