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in Joomla Templates by d-bangma (160 points)

I've made a template in Template Toaster with a sidebar menu with submenu's in a testlab like in this image

Installed in my domain the submenu's aren't alligned correctly

Is this a bug in TT7 or a misconfiguration in Joomla 3.8.8

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please provide your Website URL so that we can check the issue at your end and guide you accordingly.

by d-bangma (160 points)
Thanks for your Quick reply.
The URL is http://http://www.seniorenorkesthuttenkamp.nl/index.php.
Conserning this question: After some time spontaniuesly colors of the menu appeared, but the submenu items still aren't alligned correctly.
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