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in Joomla Templates by spock9458 (120 points)
I am new to Template Toaster, previously I used Artisteer to create templates for Joomla for the past 10+ years.  I have a design in TT 7.0 that I want to use, but when I install it on the website the appearance is not the same, and I am pretty sure it has to do with module positions.  My design has a "top" horizontal menu below the header, and a left "sidebar" where I want the Main Menu in Joomla to appear.  Before, in Artisteer designs, the top menu would be in Position 1, and the left sidebar menu would be in position 7.  The positions in TT are way different, and I can't seem to come up with the ones that work so that the browser view of the site looks like my design in the TT interface.

I cannot find a way to upload any screenshots here, so hopefully my question will make sense to seasoned users of TT.  I would appreciate any help.



1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
To apply main menu in Joomla using TemplateToaster generated template please follow the steps provide below.

Go to Joomla Dashboard -> Extensions -> Modules -> Edit main menu module -> assign it to position 'Menu' -> Save.

Similarly, Left position refers to  left sidebar and right position is for right sidebar.
by keith29 (100 points)
IMHO A bit grudging with detail and not much use, ! What about it you have two sidebars ?  How do you get to put module content in any cell in any row ? Artisteer has a map you can print showing 22 named module positions, but TT does not seem to have anything useful like this.

I'm currently trying to make the transition from Artisteer to Template Toaster and not finding it easy, The "documentation" is not very good
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