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in Joomla Templates by declaredcharelle (120 points)

I'm trying to find out where I can set how (abstracts from) articles are shown on the front page. Right now it's like this: http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww342/ccharell/template2_zps4f9c49fa.png

But I would like to have it like this: http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww342/ccharell/template1_zps7712ac94.png

So, three abstracts in a row, like in the TemplateToaster sample template. Where can I set this?



1 Answer

by james (5.3k points)

In TemplateToaster you can select this option from Content Tab -> Post Properties Option -> Featured Post for Homepage.

From joomla administrator Go to ->Menus -> Main Menu -> click on Home -> Layout and make the given changes

Leading Articles = 0
Intro Articles = 3
Columns = 3

Save and close.
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