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in Joomla Templates by
I have template toaster Pro. When i point my mouse over one of links on menu bar the text goes small and when i drag my mouse away they go back to the original size. How can i turn off this option to not allow text go small when someone point the mouse over the text?

Here is screen shot. I have my mouse pointer over Contact Us and the text went small http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh34/radiobkc/greeen_zps1216e65f.png

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
Hi JamesSullivanNY,

This is becuase you have not set the same font-size for the normal, hover and active link. Please follow the given step to give the same font-size.

TemplateToaster -> in Menu tab -> in Menu button section -> Typography -> Normal -> font-size -> 16px

Similarly for the hover and active links.
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