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in HTML Website by
Working in HTML, starting from scratch template:

How can I access "directly" the HTML code that forms the Start From Scratch Page, so I can edit? Want to put in some JavaScript.

Appreciate the help.


2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Hi Gene,

You can edit the html code after exporting the template.
TemplateToaster -> File -> Export.

After exporting template you get folder containing files. To add the javascript, you have to edit the index.html file.
by keybizhosting (400 points)
Yes but if you use an HTML editor, it could change or mess up you layout completely if don comparable, so Try using a Text editor, if you know HTML this is!
by lifeok (1.4k points)
Do you Mind ? You Do HTML editor say yes or no all most one year
if you say we have thing what is next

plz positive reply  and update next

we all are developer so we know what is HTML editor our developing Life
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