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in New Features Discussion by pcinput (340 points)
It would be really useful if we could see the actual size of the modules we create in the header and footer positions (the ones we manually draw). This would allow us to ensure we are creating a module position large enough to hold what is intended for it. Currently i have to keep going back and altering the template again and again until i get the right size.
it might also be good/quicker if we can directly edit those sizes once we have mapped a basic header/footer module position.

PS: love the fact that we can create our own module positions. This is my main reason for switching from previous Joomla editor software.

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Hello and thanks for the new feature request.

We are finalizing the 1.5 RC which will be available within this week, it'll support RTL & Responsive Designs, I have added your request to the 1.6 version features queue.
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