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in Joomla Templates by peter208 (220 points)
The last menu item on our main menu is close to right the edge of the page and has lots of submenu items. The sub menus disappears off the right side of the screen.

Is there a way to have the submenus cascade to the left rather than the default right hand side??

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please provide us your website url so that we can help you with an appropriate solution.

by peter208 (220 points)
Website is https://www.getoutdoorsnz.kiwi/
The issue is with the menu items near the right hand border that disappear off window.
by peter208 (220 points)
edited by peter208
Has a solution being found for the issue??
The right most menu item sub-sub-menu items cascade to the right and aren't visible. Is it possible to cascade menu items to the left??
I have since aligned the menu to the LHS of screen but would still like to revert to RHS if a solution can be found.
Website is https://www.getoutdoorsnz.kiwi/
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