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in Joomla Templates by unmuted-media (520 points)

How do I Change or Manage Joomla 3.8 Footer in TT?


1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

To design footer in TemplateToaster, please follow the steps provided below.

Go To TemplateToaster -> Footer -> Apply footer elements as per your requirement -> Export.

Go To Joomla administration panel -> Install and activate TemplateToaster theme -> Footer will be same as you set elements in TemplateToaster.

by christ_242 (220 points)
i use tt v 8, all page not display footer, solusition ?
by robert-williams (5.2k points)
Please open a ticket on our support page at https://templatetoaster.com/support,  also provide us the ttr file and the exported zip file of the template.
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