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in Joomla Templates by
How can I delete sidebar menu?

5 Answers

Anybody here?
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Just go to Wordpress Backend-> Theme Options-> Sidebar and set the vertical menu to off.

If vertical menu is set to off and you still see it, enable it and disable it and it should work, we'll fix that issue in next update.
Wordpress? I use Joomla...
by steamhammer (140 points)
LOL!!! Someones sleeping I think... :lol:

I would like to know too, so please tell it here if you find out!

BR. Steamhammer
by sarah (15.2k points)
TemplateToaster, by default does not show the sidebar menu until and unless you provide the module position to menu in joomla.
If you want to remove the sidebar menu please follow the given step:

Joomla -> Extensions -> Module Manager -> Select the menu (which is displaying on sidebar) -> Click on Unpublish.
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