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in General Discussion by cassy1 (660 points)
What's the best way to change the menu bar to Fixed? Like when you scroll the page it stays at the top.
I tried changing the CSS property to Position: fixed; Width: 100%, it worked only partially...I guess i have to make some changes in the js scripts or something. I can make it if am building the website from scratch, but it seems tricky with the theme.

can anyone guide me on how i can change the menu bar to fixed, that works fine, stays at the top of the page when scrolling down.


6 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Try using following custom CSS:

by cassy1 (660 points)
It didn't work quite well.
I had to use the top widget for the fixed bar i wanted, but it works fine untill the browser is resized.
When the browser is resized, the top widget will cover the menu bar and header, all i want it to do is stay at the top even when the browser is rezised, not cover the menu bar, but to push it down.
by sarah (15.2k points)
Hello Cassey

First and the foremost, kindly open the ticket on Support Center. We'll solved your queries on Ticket support center & don't forget to share the url of your website on ticket.

Did you get a fix for this. There doesn't seem to be any way to create a simple "Fixed" top menu bar? The suggested css only partialy works
by cassy1 (660 points)
Did you get a fix for this. There doesn't seem to be any way to create a simple "Fixed" top menu bar? The suggested css only partialy works

Yeah, it really sucks!
I tried a lot of stuff, it wouldn't work 100% correctly.
I think the problem is from the mobile bootstrap... it works till you resize the browser or or view on mobile.
I think they should include a fixed menu feature in their next update.
by luciowalking (140 points)

by issanlesacripant (140 points)
Thanks for this answer. It works for me but not on all pages. On other pages, width is not 100%

How can this be fixed?
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