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in Joomla Templates by alain (480 points)

I use a Imageslideshow in the Header of my Template.
When I preview the Template for Mobiles then the Slideshow disapears.

How can I determine if a Slideshow is still shown on a Mobile Device ?
Is there some Code like: "Show Slideshow if Screenwidth is greater than 200px" ?

Sorry for asking so many stupid questions, but I'm new to this TemplateToaster and I feel a bit lost in some points ;-)

Kind regards

4 Answers

by alain (480 points)
No one with an idea ?

Kind regards
by alain (480 points)
Is my question to stupid for you or is the answer to hard ?
Please help me.

I think you are asking the write question but that future is currently not added. This is what i do.
i create a black module, make it responsive then use a mod-slideshow on it.

Just try it if you don't have a solution yet

by sarah (15.2k points)
Hi Alain,

While placing an images in header, there's an option to preview slideshow in Mobile. You can enable this option in Header tab >> Header position >> Show in Mobile View. Thus, by checking this option, slideshow will appears in all the cases i.e. mobiles, smartphones, tablets.


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