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in Joomla Templates by alain (480 points)

Unfortunaly I cannot find anything usefule explanations on the Internet about Module Positions of Templates of Joomla 3.2.
Either I'm getting old or stupid... or both :-)

Can somebody please link me to a site where Module Positions for Joomla 3.2 are well explained well with visual examples ?
What are does columns for each Module for ? When I change the amount of columens or when I do some colorformating to a cell of Module then I can't see any difference when I preview it on different Devices or Browserresolutions.

Kind regards

8 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Module Positions are like placeholder where you can place desired Modules later from your Joomla admin.

TemplateToaster offer extensive options to add/edit and design Module Positions in templates, you can add a row of positions and style each one.

Every cell in a row is a position.
by alain (480 points)
And what are those percentage Values for ?

Kind regards
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
To which percentage values you are referring ?, can you port here a screenshot.
by alain (480 points)
by sarah (15.2k points)
For aligning four Module Positions in a row we set the default width of every position to 25%, you can increase or decrease these values from : TemplateToaster -> ModulePostion -> Click on the ModulePosition of which you want to increase or decrease width -> PoistionCell -> width.

Or you can directly drag the separator between two positions for resizing.
by alain (480 points)
Yes that's what I thought about it.

But for example on a Smartphone device, these columns are not in a row anymore, they are aligned one under another.

How can I determine the behaving of such clolumns of a row depending on the screen width or depending on the device ?

Kind regards
by james (5.3k points)

This behaviour depends upon the screen width below 480px, above this width the modules are shown in a row.
by alain (480 points)
Thanks for that information.

Kind regards
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