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in Joomla Templates by alain (480 points)

I only can set Bordersize an columns/rows when I create a new table.
But how can I later modify the follow parameters of a table ?

-Border/margin/padding of each column/row/cell ?

Kind regards

4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
You need to add/change that individual properties from your Joomla admin while adding actual tables.
by alain (480 points)

It would make mor sence to change that in TemplateToaster, right ?
Or am I completely wrong thinking ?

Kind regards
by alain (480 points)
No one want to take position to that statement ?

Kind regards
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Preferably cellpadding/cellspacing is added as HTML tags while adding a table, for example:

<table cellpadding="10">

<table cellspacing="10">

Tables are added from the CMS editor and TemplateToaster excludes these properties.
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