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in Joomla Templates by wilfried-pineau (120 points)


I'm currently trying TT7 with Virtuemart support and have some questions / issues.

I use the lastest versions Vm 3.2.4 with Joomla 3.7.5. TT7 is

I had to use the "Enable Legacy Layouts" in VM configuration, otherwise my template would not work ("Call to a member function displayMediaThumb() on null error' message on almost every page except the front page of the store).

Is there a way to have more than 4 columns in content section ?

I can't find how to display my products with the same size (you will note that I have 5 of them by page, even if I "choose" to have only 4 columns in TT7 as explained above)  :

Even worse if I don't set the price :

Add to cart button ("Ajouter au panier") is not centered (alignement has been set to middle in TT).

How to get rid of the specification and review tabs for produtcs ? Review is obvious but I can't find a way to use the specification one. 

There are other problems, but I can't remember them right now.

Thanks for reading/helping !

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
The issue regarding error message has been solved in the latest build of TemplateToaster 7 beta i.e. version
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