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in Issues/Bugs by iceferret (3.3k points)
I'm sure we had this before in a previous version of TT. Just uploaded a template with the version 5816
First intro article gets outside the div containing all the other intro's which display correctly so takes up a whole line on its own.
Or is it me missing something. :?:


3 Answers

by iceferret (3.3k points)
Still not fixed, making life awkward as it throws out a lot of my layouts......
Any chance soon please?
by james (5.3k points)

The issue has been solved in the latest build of TemplateToaster.Please update to the latest version.You can update the latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
In case that does not solve your issue than open the support ticket with ttr file,exported zipped file and URL of your website at http://templatetoaster.com/support
Still not working in 5887, just updated to 5894 and hey presto! It works. Checked it out in the sandbox and no bugs I can find :D .
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