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in Joomla Templates by
I'm trying to use the HD-Background Selector module, but doesn't work. The instructions say:

By Default the "ID" is set to "body" meaning it will apply the style to the main body tag. For most templates this is the best place to store the background style. If the template you use conceals the body tag with a different CSS element (eg. hiding the body behind an element called #container) then change the ID (eg. change to #container).

Anyone can help me? Thanks a lot

3 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

We are unable to produce the error at our end. Please contact support at http://templatetoaster.com/support/ with ttr file and URL to your website.
But it isn't an error, I would know the template background's ID. Unfortunately I'm working in local :|
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
TemplateToaster does not conceals the body tag with a different CSS element, we can try to help you with some CSS edits if you post the website URL when online.
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