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in Joomla Templates by hangbill (280 points)
edited by hangbill
Have 4 featured articles on home page. Have set content to 2 columns with featured top article spanning both columns.  Problem is, seems a longish article in the right column is affecting the spacing between articles in the left column - lots of white space between the featured articles in the left column. Shouldn't the columns be independent of one another?

Hope I explained ok. Any ideas how to resolve?

2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please open a support ticket with all the details: http://templatetoaster.com/support.
by benny (600 points)
I don't know if this 'problem' has been answered already by support but when i do understand well, this looks to me as normal behaveour. Columns in a blog are not 'independent' in that way. The headers of posts always start on the same heighth. Therefore a long article in one column creates a white space in the other column. This is the reason that i try to make equal length in the blog by using a read more link. In my opinion this is not a TT problem. You could switch to the Protostar template to verify this.
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