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in Joomla Templates by neo314 (720 points)

I'm pretty happy with TTR and the direction it is headed. What I would like to know is whether or not it is in the works to offer an editor.css, or a special class, or a review of how the css is structured to get WYSIWYG editors like JCE to show up properly, OR am I missing something?

I had the issue of getting my image background as the background for the editor using JCE. No problem though, I set the editor area's class to ttr_post, and the background issue is fixed, but I see most of the other CSS does not really work. Bullet lists for example are way off of the left margin even though they appear correctly on the front of the website. Paragraph spacing also does not match.

Artisteer, for all its faults, output an editor.css file which helped correct most of these issues. That might be a solution. It had draw backs. It often had to be manually edited because the software didn't know what the editor background should look like for example.

It would be best if the css of the template could be used and the template class of the editor was sufficient to reference all of the css that the editor could or should contain like paragraph spacing, fonts, lists, etc.

The problem appears to be that the CSS all references #ttr_content instead of ttr_post. If there was a class ttr_content, that might help, but it would not address the issue of a transparent content area with a solid background for the post. If the css could reference the post class instead, the editor would probably look right.

I realize this could complicate the css some by adding additional entries or elements to specific css entries to account for items which are inside of content, but not inside the class of ttr_post.

1 Answer

by conte (320 points)


you're right.

As far as I can understand JCE editor allows Editor Class setting which should prefix selectors so that their styles can be taken directly from template.css.

For example if "#ttr_content ul {"  was  ".ttr_content ul {", latest JCE would have displayed unordered lists correctly, just like they are set in TTR project, instead of showing them unstyled. It was enough to set "Editor Class" as ttr_content.

I don't know why TT team have not replied to your question in more than two years.
Sometimes I think they are concentrating too much on Wordpress instead of Joomla and useless stuff like slideshows, article editors and other things that are already included in CMS and there's no need to have them into TemplateToaster.

Is there a way to "capture" TT staff attention? :-)

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