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in Joomla Templates by heuf (120 points)
Joomla v3.7.0 clean installation
TT version:
PHP 5.6.17-1

Created a template uploaded it, but no sidebars, no slide show, no logo.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
At our end, Slideshow, Logo and Sidebars all are working fine with Joomla v3.7.0 , TemplateToaster version: with PHP 5.6 , please open a support ticket with all the details of the issue you are facing , also attach your ttr file so that we can check the issue from your ttr file and guide you in the appropriate direction.
by heuf (120 points)
1. Uninstall and then reinstall the TemplateToaster.
2. Exporting the theme with reinstalled TemplateToaster.
3. Install it in Joomla! and voila IT WORKS!

This was the solution. Thanks foor the quick reply by your support team and Lisa for her patience
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