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in Issues/Bugs by mvrijn (140 points)
TT version
PHP version: 5.6.30
Joomla version: 3.6.5

With the last two versions i have a problem that the template is not showing 100% identical on my Joomla site.

I never had this issue and is frustrating as you dont get what you see, build in TT itself.

Problems with : Menu, sizes, text areas, mobile/tablet view.

Is this a problem with TT or my site/provider hosting the site or Joomla version?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
As Joomla Version3.6.5 is working fine at our end with TemplateToaster version , please open a support ticket at version with all the details of your issue , also attach your ttr file so that we can check the issue regarding your project file.
by rwheuving (100 points)
Same thing here....
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