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in General Discussion by rabiuls (140 points)
After install TemplateToaster-7-Beta, I activated it with TemplateToaster-6 license key. It worked [Save]. After closing if I run it again it asks to 'Activate'. Do we need to activate it each time we launch? Thank you.


Best regards,


Rabiul Hassan Khan.

2 Answers

by biswasit (280 points)
Normally it's does not ask for every time. But I think in your cause there happen something wrong! May be TT team will answer you soon.
by rabiuls (140 points)
I deactivated version 6, and activated 7. Both are installed. Do I need to Activate 6 and 7 both, or uninstall version 6?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
I have forwarded your query  to our development team, once please make sure that you are using latest version of TemplateToaster 7 beta. As TemplateToaster version 7 beta is currently in testing phase, please feel free to contact us if you have any issue or query regarding this.
by rabiuls (140 points)
Thank you very much. Can you please tell me whether I should deactivate TemplateTester-6, before activating TemplateTester-7?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
No, you need not to deactivate TemplateToaster-6 to activate TemplateToaster Version 7.
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