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in Joomla Templates by kontakt (200 points)
Can u tell me, where I could find the "<div>" for the Background,
because I want to build a sliced background with pictures which are shown to URLs.
I'm sorry for my bad English. I hope you could help me.

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
To which background you are referring, can you please attach here a marked screenshot ?
by kontakt (200 points)
The Background from my site.
You can visit my site under http://www.vic-inc.de

I want to pick some pictures on the left or right side from our sponsors.
But if I create a background picture with the logos, then i couldn't link them.
Now it would be amazing, if it's possible to pick just the pictures in this layout,
so i could make links to their homepages.

Thank you, for your fast answer!


by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Please try inspecting your template/site using Firebug to find the preferred div.
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