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in Joomla Templates by simon (2.3k points)
Please can tt tell me why when I create a login form both the login link in a module and the form its self look so bad? The link in the module will not take the style of the sites link be it the module style or any other and the text boxes for the form are all misaligned. There is as far as I can tell no way of sorting margins or padding for text boxes in TT?

See link and click on poor looking login link in the top module and see the bad login form layout.


2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

The link provided by you is not working. Please update it.

TemplateToaster Support
by simon (2.3k points)
I took it down, It was a staging site. It has gone live and I used alternative login extension. but I think the page is still there so I will find the link and post it because I would still like to get it sorted.
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