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in General Discussion by lifeok (1.4k points)
Good News for 7

5 Answers

by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
Do you have any information on version 7 ? I see it is still in beta but can't find any details on what is new from Version 6 ?
by lifeok (1.4k points)
truly  E commerce cart  development  100/80 rank
HTML editor missing i hope TT add next update

TT plz add new 100 truly eCommerce support templates in marketplace  total of 211 templates

if you do all are happy and your business grow  and  you do game change or life change product

Love you and thanks to do that
by biswasit (280 points)
Really it's good news that TT7 bring Woocommerce & Opencart support. But, I can see only html & drupal export and preview are working on this beta version. Also when you click Opencart export it's show "Prestashop Export". So, I think need to fix many issue with this beta version. Hope developer team will take necessary step to solve this issue asap.
by lifeok (1.4k points)
Yes You are right

TT need more time to happy to that
by lifeok (1.4k points)
any update beta 7

any update
by biswasit (280 points)
edited by biswasit
Dear TT Team,

I'm trying to work with TT7 & Opencart. I can see exporting working very less time. like if I try to export one theme 10 times then may be 1 time work. And working theme size is more than 1mb & not working theme size is 500kb. Also Woocommerce theme is not working totally with this beta version. Have any news when this type of issue will be fixed. Also, can you make a document how to export & import oc theme perfectly!

Thank you
by lifeok (1.4k points)
i have try lot of time but you are lucky  do exporting

FD.TT plz do and update it
by biswasit (280 points)
I can tell you the working process:
1. Reinstall TT7 & after reinstall do not run TT6
2. Start TT7 select opencart with scratch, do not select any old theme ( all of them are TT6 supported not TT7)
3. Work with your theme , but do not change your cms while working with opencart.
4. After completing your design then click export, hope it will export your theme. If anytime exporting does not work then reinstall TT7 again & follow the rules that I mention above.

I already design one site but still have some bug with this design, however it's not bad at all with this beta TT7. You can take a look with my opencart design https://www.ibazare.com
Thank you.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Issue regarding Export Open cart Theme Dialog box has been resolved now, you can use the latest build of TemplateToaster 7 version: for exporting E-commerce themes. If any issue occurs then please contact our development team on support ticket http://templatetoaster.com/support.

by jason41 (380 points)
Is TT7 stable and functional enough to use to build designs for actual projects or should I keep using TT6 ? Just don't want to waste time building a design in TT7 to find out it will be glitchy and have to redo in TT6.
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