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in New Features Discussion by mikati (780 points)

By default, the featured image appears above each post in WordPress. I want the featured image  displayed to the left of the text in all posts. I've searched the net in this regard, and read many forums. They all say it must be done by customizing the theme itself, either in function.php file, or content.php file.

It would be nice to be able to customize a TT theme to change the location/position of the featured image. Does TT team think about introducing such ability?

Thanks a lot,


1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

We have forwarded your feature request to change the position of the featured image to our development team. We will provide this feature in the future version of TemplateToaster.

by mikati (780 points)
This is great news, thank you very much, Lisa! I am sure I won't be the only happy TT user with this new feature. I am really looking forward to having this new option.
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