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in New Features Discussion by pro-zocker (720 points)

i have some features to discuss. (Wordpress)

1. More Main Menu Options in styling!
2. A option to add a menu to footer directly
3. For Body to add a color and a picture twice. When i add a picture, i cant insert the background color that i want

2 Answers

by lifeok (1.4k points)
i have some features to discuss. (joomla)

1. More Main Menu Options in styling!
2. A option to add a menu to footer directly
3. For Body to add a color and a picture twice. When i add a picture, i cant insert the background color that i want

its cool and best of
by pro-zocker (720 points)
I wish more browser code optimization.

Often i have problems with the main menu between firefox and chrome / ie. Maybe a problem cause there are no css from TT like webkit- oder -moz!

Wordpress i use!
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