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in New Features Discussion by maniek (200 points)
Could be usable if colour selector (i.e. header-typografy-font colour-more) will show configured colour for item instead FFFFFF,. Firstly you can easily check default/configured color, secondly - if choosen by mistake will not reset color to FFFFFF (as I did few times :? )
Also colour widget dockable on side will be usefull - just select item by click on it, then to set colour.

3 Answers

I would like to see this too.

It appears that this is the default behavoir on one or two of the color pallettes, however if this was the default system-wide, that would be best.
by pcinput (340 points)
I'll second this as well. :D
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We implemented that in latest version.
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