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in Joomla Templates by
It would be nice if the css for list items preserved indenting on wrapped lines. This can be done with

ttr_article li { padding-left 1em; text-indent:-1em; }

Also, it would be nice to have an option for more than 0-5 as options for paragraph and list vertical margins.

5 Answers

Oh, I meant to include that the save button on custom CSS doesn't do anything. That was what I intended to post about in the first place.

If I enter css and click save, nothing happens. If I close the CSS window and open it again it is empty (doesn't have what I just typed.

It took some trial and error to figure out that I had to close the window, hit apply and then open the css window again to see that my entry was saved.

And what's with this forum username thing? I'm logged into the site, but not the forum, so I assume I won't be able to follow or subscribe to these threads, but there does not appear to be a separate login for the forum.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

The issue has been resolved in the latest beta version. Please download the beta version( from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/beta/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by neo314 (720 points)
I would add to this a bit. I also noticed that embedded lists get screwed up because there is no CSS for ul li ul li so the lists come out all on one level.
by neo314 (720 points)
Another issue with lists. The list item type should be applied ONLY to the ol or ul tag, and not to the list items themselves. JCE allows me to specify a list type, but when I do, the inline css is being over-ridden by the template css because this property is applied to the list item.

And why is there no control over the indenting of lists? The only option is for the margin above and below a list item.
by neo314 (720 points)

The issue has been resolved in the latest beta version. Please download the beta version( from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/beta/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support

This does not seem to be fixed with that beta release. I do not find that css anywhere.
by networkandweb (290 points)
Com'on guys, fix this item. Ordered and unordered lists should be indented from the left.  We need a way to adjust the indent.  Using version 6.0.0.XXXXX.

Top to bottom we don't need.  Indent from right, we need.  I paid good money for your software.
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