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in Joomla Templates by
I have submitted this via a support ticket but haven't got a response yet, so i thought someone must have encountered this already...

I designed a website using the software. It looks great on a PC and Mac, but when I view it on an Ipad / iPhone /Android its all over the place.

There are 2 modules at the top, top left and top right.
One module just below the menu - Info_banner

I have made it for joomla.

The site is located at http://www.ravalak.ca/moeger/

The site width is 1000px, the top modules have a padding on the left of 220px and on the right of 200px - the same for the other module.

The Menu also spans further on an ipad than on a pc or mac.


1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Please try installing the TemplateToaster 4.2 version: http://templatetoaster.com/download
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