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in Joomla Templates by mbclick (220 points)

in this free template made with TT http://demos.templatetoaster.com/educate/ i saw the effect in the box "GET TOUCH WITH US", with the background fixed when scroll the page. How i can do this?


1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
You can add this effect using this property background-attachment: fixed;

For eg(Your class) .ttr_home_html_row5.row


background-attachment: fixed;

by mbclick (220 points)
Thanks for the reply,
I have to enter the code in the css after having exported the template? there is a way to add it directly on TT?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Yes, you can add Custom CSS from TemplateToaster -> General -> Editors -> CSS
by mbclick (220 points)
Would not be bad to enter this function directly in the editor of TT in the next version.
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