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in New Features Discussion by excalibur (560 points)

In my opinion template toaster is currently only really useful for fixed width websites and if you want to create a web design which is responsive for mobile devices you have to use something like firebug to enable you to modify the CSS manually..

At the moment template toaster gives you arbitrary media query breakpoints if you choose the responsive layout option but that is as far as it goes! You cannot choose any other options for various screened sizes which is a must for responsive design

For example let’s say you are designing a new responsive layout and to start with you are creating the desktop view with a width of 1280px. A header text of 3 em + or 60px would not look out of place but if you were to look at this on a tablet or mobile phone this text would fill half to all of the screen. For each screen size you need to customise your text sizing and graphic sizing accordingly

Please can we also have additional values for text sizing i.e. EM and percentages. When using px values for text you are making your website you are not allowing your website to be used by people with disabilities or people with sight problems as they might need larger type facing. By using em or percentages for your text sizing these can be analysed by the user with a keyboard short cut in the web browser

The sooner you introduce this option the better it will be for us users especially those of us who produce responsive template designs.


3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Thanks for the feedback, both the features that you have mentioned e.g. Separate responsive designing options for different viewport sizes and font in EM options are planned for the future versions.
by jony33 (140 points)
At the moment template toaster gives you arbitrary media query breakpoints if you choose the responsive layout option but that is as far as it goes! You cannot choose any other options for various screened sizes which is a must for responsive design
Just like the hamburger menu in responsive right?

Don't hold your breath anyone. It's not happening this year.
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