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in General Discussion by imacsenglish (840 points)
Hey guys. I have a quick question related to the responsive layout preview.

I am making this site that has a white background for the header and the logo I made looks good with a white background. However, when I view how it would look on a phone. The white color for the header completely is gone and the logo looks terrible with the background color behind it. Is there any way to fix this or will I have to change the colors in order to make it look nice on iphones or ipads? Please let me know when you can. Thanks.


3 Answers

by excalibur (560 points)

As I have just posted in the new features thread the template toaster features for responsive design are quite non-existent . The only way to use template toaster and have a responsive design is to go into the CSS and use something like firebug to manually code the responsiveness into your template.


by imacsenglish (840 points)

As I have just posted in the new features thread the template toaster features for responsive design are quite non-existent . The only way to use template toaster and have a responsive design is to go into the CSS and use something like firebug to manually code the responsiveness into your template.



Would it be better to uncheck responsive and simply use the WPTouch plugin for WordPress. Or would that give me the same issue? Thanks for your response by the way. Please let me know if you have any experience with WPTouch. I've heard it's pretty good but I've never used it myself.

by james (5.3k points)

Please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with the exported template, the .ttr file and the URL to your website.
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