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in Joomla Templates by simon (2.3k points)
As I say in the title, the contact page is not displaying the same margins for the content area as other pages. Is there any reason for this please?

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Can you post the link of that page here or provide us at support ?
by rvzandwijk (240 points)
Hello i do have the same problem

the margin of my article posts are not the same as designd in TT

could you check this website as you can see the text on the homepage dont have a 5px margin but in TT it shows fine,

if you follow this link you will see that my margin is fine to so why isnt the margin the same on my homepage?
by james (5.3k points)

We have solved the issue and we will provide the fix in next update.
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