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in New Features Discussion by lifeok (1.4k points)
Dear TT

What happen 30days no new update
everything is ok ?

6 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Dear TT

What happen 30days no new update
everything is ok ?

We are working on the next update.
what a new TT ?

finally TT going to artisteer way

no update longtime

plan new company ? or Sell this company

artisteer stop updating the lunch TT

and that time TT stop updating we are wait for others company
Artisteer and Template Toaster both are same companies.
They just did some marketing to capture attentions of those customers who were annoyed of Artisteer.
Artistter stopped at 19th Nov, 2013 and TT at 19th Dec, 2013.
Both softwares are being updated to have new features and you will see little differences when both will announce their next release.
TemplateToaster will also have online export requirement as of TT.
Just wait and see, Time will Tell.
It is real modern world marketing.
Stop trolling please. We certainly don't want to see here what already happened on the Artisteer forums. So if you want to troll, stay on the Artisteer forum and keep this place clean. Thank you.
by lifeok (1.4k points)
Dear sir

which date you have upload new update ?
i thing you have long time so we all of good products and lot-off new functions
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
TemplateToaster 4.2 version is now available: http://templatetoaster.com/changelog
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