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in Drupal Themes by paypal-m (120 points)
reshown by templatetoaster
Hi, I´m new to TemplateToaster and have some questions .. here is my first one:

I´want to build a theme with ONE right sidebar and in this sidebar there should be the sidemenu. But I don´t have  the sidemenu tab. This tab is only present if I choos two sidebars or only a left sidebar.

How can I get a styled side menu with just one right sidebar?

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Style sidebar menu using two sidebars. Then remove one. Styles will automatically be included in the theme.

TemplateToaster Support
by paypal-m (120 points)
edited by paypal-m
I´ve placed my second Menu in the secondary menu block and isn´t visible at my website. If I set it to the second sidebar block it is shown as normal list instead of an menu.

BUT If I export two sidebars and do not use the "first" one everything is working fine AFTER removing the theme and adding it again.

At the end only the length is not 100% of the page .. is option does nothng.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please open a support ticket  and please provide your TTR file and URL to your website for the quick solution: http://templatetoaster.com/support/.
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