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in Issues/Bugs by gatorjack (640 points)
As of today I'm pretty much down to my last nerve with TemplateToaster.  I've been using TemplateToaster for almost two years.  My biggest complaint with TemplateToaster has been its lack of stability.  About half way through my first year of using it I noticed that when I click on anything (menu, option, etc) that it would take TemplateTaoster about 5-10 seconds to respond.  To me, that's quite a bit of time just for clicking on an option.

This lagging has only increased over time.  Today I had tried to check the fonts of one of my WordPress themes.  I use Google Fonts.  The Google Fonts option said that my browser didn't support Google Fonts.  This was odd considering I had been using Google Fonts for quite some time with no issues.  So, I updated to the latest version of TemplateToaster.

I tried to export my theme as a folder.  The Exporting splash came up.  After about 10-20 seconds, Windows pops up an error saying that TemplateToaster has stopped working.  I then try to export again but as a zip file.  Same thing.

I'm literally at my wick's end.  Am I the only one that has had issues with TemplateToaster being so unstable?  I've ran tons of other software (including Adobe CreativeCloud) with no lagging issues and such.  I'm just tired of TemplateToaster being so slow and unstable.  I've reported this issue more than once.  I try to avoid the forums as I find the structure of the forums to be a bit of a mess.  I decided to see if any other TemplateToaster users have encountered similar issues.

1 Answer

by iceferret (3.3k points)
I used to find it very slow, much as you described. After I built a new laptop with an SSD it fair whizzes along. I've never had any of the other problems though.
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